Monday, May 19, 2014

We Love Lucy!

Well, so much for my intention to post regularly.  It's late May and I haven't posted in two months!  Yikes!  Sorry about that...  I have a very good excuse as to why, though!  Check out the picture.  How can anyone resist that face?  I now try to spend as much of my free time away from the computer and dedicated to my favorite feline, Lucy.  Playing and giving attention to a cat is the best kind of stress relief I've been able to find.

My husband and I adopted a 7-month old kitten from the local SPCA at the very end of March.  What a wonderful addition to our family!  She's big into purring, running around the house at Mach-3 speed for no good reason, climbing the living room Ballard curtains which are luckily made out of burlap, looking out the window at the birds, and playing with her fake mice.  It's amazing how much more coordinated and athletic she is now that she has the run of the house and isn't in a cage anymore.  She's still a little bow-legged but it just makes her all the more charming.

Lucy requires heart medication and needs to be examined by a cat cardiologist once a year because she has a severe heart murmur but it hasn't slowed her down!  At first, my husband tried giving her her medication the old fashioned way which stressed both of them out.  A co-worker suggested Greenie's pill pockets in salmon flavor.   This is the best invention ever introduced to the pet marketplace.  Lucy runs downstairs every morning excitedly waiting for her pill pocket to be delivered to her.  Pill time is now Lucy's favorite time of day.  Well, kneading my sleeping body with her claws/paws is probably her second favorite. You should see all of my scratch marks.  :-/

My husband and I went to Charleston, SC for a few days in late April and my parents cat-sat Lucy.  It was a fun time for all of them.  Lucy learned new favorite past-times: lunging into a shower by crashing through a shower curtain, playing with her stuffed mice under a table around all sorts of chair legs, and hunting stink bugs.  She brought those hobbies home with her to our house.  I was definitely able to enjoy my vacation more not having to worry about the cat. I was more worried about my parents.  What if Lucy tripped them by accident?  What if she was too rough with her claws?  What if....  Anyway, I was being ridiculous.  They all really enjoyed each others' company and it was a fun time for all of them.  I'm so thankful for my wonderful parents.  They always come to the rescue.  I also love the fact that they know Lucy so well now.  I'm like a proud parent.

I'll try to blog about Charleston next time.  It was a fun vacation.  For now, my life seems to revolve around work, cleaning the house, and playing with Lucy.  I should really be devoting more time to weeding my new herb garden which is doing pretty well.  So far, turnips, Swiss chard, strawberries and the spinach are all doing well.  The scallions and parsley were an epic fail so I'm trying again with them.