Monday, October 1, 2012

When Loneliness Comes A Callin'

Even after living in Roanoke for over two years and meeting new people and starting a new life, it amazes me how I can be still feel lonely.  What amazes me more is when the loneliness can strike.  Randomly when I'm surrounded by other people, when I'm out and about, or just lying in bed.  I can't get over how I'll feel fine one second and then the next, I'm lonely.  You'd think that at my age (later 30's) that with experience and along with the fact that I'm an independent gal that I would be able to banish it but that just doesn't seem to happen.  Does that ever happen to you too?

My mom had a college psychology professor that told her class that depression visits everyone from time to time and you'll never see it coming.  I think the same is true of loneliness.  It hit me like a brick this weekend and a few weekends ago and I'm still not sure why.  I'm waiting for Loneliness to leave now.  Go set up shop someplace else!

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