Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th!

Happy Independence Day!  Hope you are enjoying a day off from work and relaxing, like I am.  Since it's been so rainy here in SW Virginia for so long, there is a lot of flooding and we just can't seem to get a break from the wet.  You should see all the lawns around here - the grass is ridiculously high.  One of my potted plants in my front yard literally disintegrated over night.  The foot tall daisy plant is no more.  Only the pot is left.  A lot of our local holiday fireworks celebrations have been cancelled or postponed too and I'm sure fewer people will be at a pool or bar-b-q'ing today compared to last year.
Although, I guess I shouldn't complain because last year we were suffering from the aftereffects of the derecho storm.  So many people were without power for over a week and it was over 100 degrees every day so this rain and 80 degree temperature situation is a lot more palatable.
I didn't use to really do much to celebrate July 4th that I can remember.  Maybe take in a movie or cook out.  Last year, my man and I went to see the Roanoke fireworks show down by Reserve Avenue.  The field was jam packed and the band they had wasn't bad.  If I had a choice, I'd prefer to watch fireworks at the end of a baseball game.  You have semi-comfy seats and a good view and concessions.  Always the food with me....
I've seen the Macy's fireworks show in NYC and the national show in D.C. once each.  They were both fabulous and exciting but sharing the experience with immense crowds and standing in line for a smelly port-o-potty made me not want to go back again.  You'd think that growing up in NY would have made me used to crowds but I think some people are just more averse to dealing with large groups than other people are.  The older I get, the more I like peace and quiet.  :-)
Hope your holiday is wonderful!

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