Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I Need a Cupcake

Viva la Cupcake's yummy gems ~ my wedding favors
Soooooooooo, I'm on a diet.  Doing the Weight Watchers thing seriously for a week and a half now because I put on some newlywed weight.  You know....15 pounds.  Ugh.  I'm not very proud of that and it's been driving me nuts every time I try to button my pants.  It's bad when you are sitting at your desk with your pants unbuttoned because you are so uncomfortable.  It's even worse when you get up from your desk, walk down the hall, and forget that your pants are unbuttoned.

I miss being able to eat certain foods like bran muffins (11 points!!) and fabulous cupcakes and cookies and Cook Out chocolate cherry milkshakes.  You can now see how I put on weight...  Before the diet, I purchased some special ingredients to make New York style bagels with (ex: malt syrup) and I keep toying with the idea of "should I still bake them or shouldn't I".  If I decide to go through with it because I feel like I have enough willpower I'll post a picture of my creations.  Yum.  Bagels with cream cheese!  Or loads of melted butter!  Or a bialy with butter!  Mmmmm....  Okay, back to the diet.


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