Monday, July 1, 2013


I just saw an article on entitled "Apple Files for iWatch Trademark".  I didn't have the patience to read the entire piece but I skimmed and looked at the various photos.  You know, the possibility of a clunky wristwatch that does a lot of computing brings me back to the early 80's when those calculator watches were a fad.  They fascinated me at the age of five but do we really want to lug around a clunky wristwatch with a touchscreen?  Isn't a phone with all the bells and whistles in our pockets enough already?  I sound whiny.

I love Apple products but I don't understand Apple TV or this iWatch thing.  Both seem uninspiring and I am losing faith in the post-Steve Jobs Apple Corporation.  I have never used an Android phone but a lot of my friends who use them say they are wonderful.  I have a major attachment to my iPhone even though it's several years old and slowing down a lot.  It can't handle software upgrades anymore.  So, I toy with the idea of getting a new phone but do I really need a new iPhone?  I barely use apps anymore...  I wonder what the best smart phone out there on the market is?

My friend Rosemarie made the switch from iPhone to Android and switched back in three weeks.  I think I need to go to Best Buy and play around...  One day.  When I have money to spend.  :-)

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