Friday, January 3, 2014

Why This Was My Worst Christmas Ever

Hey there!  Long time no blog!  My bad...  The holidays crept up on me and I got very distracted.  I'd think about the blog and then not actually get to a computer to post.  Here I am!  Happy New Year and I hope 2014 is full of happy surprises and only good things ~

Okay, so this Christmas was absolutely awful.  It started out good.  Saw the Roanoke Children's Choir at the Jefferson Center in early December and THEY WERE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!  If I had to estimate, the choir was made up of more than 100 very talented young singers, male and female.  The variety of traditional songs they sang and the quality of the program blew me away.  It didn't hurt that I had second row seats, of course.  Hopefully, I can make this an annual Christmas tradition with my hubby.

Then, it started to unravel.  Mom got sick with the stomach virus that everyone is getting and was in and out of the hospital all Christmas week.  We're on day 11 of this thing and it's still going on.  Can you believe that?!  My big sis flew down to help out, thank God, but we're all exhausted and my mom is still not back on her feet.  It's been a depressing and exhausting couple of weeks.  Add to that a wicked head cold for me and you get the idea - awful Christmas.  I didn't even make it to church which kind of blows my mind.  Didn't get to bake any Christmas cookies.  That's highly unusual and I normally give them as gifts.  My parents and I still haven't exchanged gifts although that's low on the totem pole right now but still.  I pray 2014 will be better.

On a happy note, I got a chance to assist my hubby in feeding horses some apple slices on Christmas day.  Here's one spunky fellow who thought my cell phone was food and he started towards me with that 'please let me eat it' look.  Doesn't he look like Black Beauty?

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